20+21 May, 2025


Digital Health AI Summit 2025 will be run as a fully in-person event from Tuesday 20 May to Wednesday 21 May, at Te Papa (Oceania Room) in Wellington.

Day One - Tuesday 20 May 2025 | 9:00am to 5:00pm (followed by 1-hour networking drinks)

Day Two - Wednesday 21 May 2025 | 9:00am to 3:00pm

During each day, the discussions held at the action stations (tables) will be interspersed with a selection of respected and topical keynote speakers.

View the 2025 Digital Health AI Summit 2025 agenda* (coming soon)

* The summit agenda is subject to change. Changes can occur up to, and during, the event.

Summit topics

There will be 25 action stations (round tables) during the event. Each table will be allocated to a different topic. Delegates have the opportunity to participate at multiple action stations each day. Each action station has a facilitator who remains at the same table all day, while the delegates move between action stations.

Delegates select their preferred topics during the event. Before each discussion group, the MC will ask everyone to stand up and move to the action station they wish to sit at for the discussion session. There are only 8 delegate seats per action station. If you don't get your first choice of topic, you will need to select your second choice (and so on until everyone is seated). You will have multiple chances to claim a seat at your preferred action station(s) during each day's discussion group sessions. We have a set list of topics this year, but these are subject to change.